Old Bailey Solicitors

Legal Guidance for HMRC Tax Investigations

What do I do if I am subject to an HMRC Tax investigation?

HMRC can investigate if they suspect tax to have been evaded or underpaid. The focus of their investigation may start with the relevant company, but can extend to directors, officers and persons with significant responsibility if HMRC seek to attach personal liability. If you or your company is subject to a civil or criminal HMRC investigation , contact a member of our team.

How we can help?

  • Representation at tax tribunals (First Tier and Upper Tribunals)
  • Director’s disqualification
  • Excise cases
  • Condemnation proceedings
  • Code of Practice 8 Procedures and Contractual Disclosure Facilities (COP 8)
  • Code of Practice 9 Procedures and Contractual Disclosure Facilities (COP 9)
  • Criminal Finances Act and failing to prevent facilitation of tax evasion

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