What Does a Custodial Sentence Mean?
by Kelsey Reid | Court Sentencing
When your child heads off to university, it’s always an emotional time for parents and whilst your will have done everything in your power to prepare them for their new-found independence and life away from home, it’s not possible to prepare for every eventuality. It’s a sad fact that whilst fresher’s week is a highlight and key milestone of a new life university, criminal activity does often happen and some young adults may find themselves being involved with a police investigation.
In this piece, I offer a few tips that may be helpful for parents whose child has been arrested, or asked to attend a police station.
Remember that every situation is unique, and the best course of action will depend on the specific circumstances and legal advice you receive. Whilst it is important to lend your support and guidance, remember that your child is now an adult and that they will be treated as such by the Criminal Justice System. Encourage your child to take responsibility for their actions, learn from the experience, and make positive changes moving forward. The consequences of an arrest are rarely as bad or as dramatic as they might first seem.
We have offices in Brighton, London and Horley and advise clients on all aspects of criminal defence allegations, including sexual offences, violent offences and drug offences.
At Old Bailey Solicitors we understand that protecting your child is every parent’s primary role. If they have been arrested for criminal activity, you – and they – will be concerned about their future and the impact that it can have in the short and long term – on their immediate studies, but also their future prospects should they end up with a criminal record.
Our team of expert criminal defence solicitors can support you and your family to help reduce any negative impact on your child’s future. Please contact our specialist team to discuss your own individual situation. We can arrange a confidential, discreet discussion and will advise you of your child’s options.